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Amazon EC2 - Basics
Amozon EC2
- EC2 = Elastic Compute Cloud = Instructure as a Service
- It mainly consists in the capability of:
- Renting virtual machines (EC2)
- Storing data on virtual drives (EBS)
- Distributing load across machines (ELB)
- Scaling the services using an auto-scalig group (ASG)
EC2 sizing & configuration options
- Operating System (OS): Linux, Windows or Mac OS
- How much compute power & cores (CPU)
- How much random-access memory (RAM)
- How much storage space:
- Network-attached (EBS & EFS)
- hardware (EC2 Instance Store)
- Network card:speed of the card, Public IP address
- Firewall rules: security group
- Bootstrap script (configure at first launch): EC2 User Data
EC2 User Data
- It is possible to bootstrap our instances using an EC2 User data script
- bootstrapping means launching commands when a machine starts
- That script is only run once at the instance first start
- EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:
- Installing updates
- Installing software
- Downloading common files from the internet
- Anything you can think of
- The EC2 User Data Script runs with the root user
EC2 Instance Types - Overview
- You can use different types of EC2 instances that are optimised for diffent use cases
(https://aws.amazon.com/ko/ec2/instance-types/) - AWS has the following naming convention:
- m: instance class
- 5: generation (AWS improves them over time)
- 2xlarge: size within the instance class
EC2 Instance Types - General Purpose (범용)
- Great for a diversity of workloads such as web servers or code repositories
웹 서버 또는 코드 저장소와 같은 다양한 워크로드에 적합 - Balance between:
- Compute
- Memory
- Networking
EC2 Instance Types -Compute Otimized (컴퓨터 최적화)
- Great for compute-intensive tasks that require high performance processors:
고성능 프로세서가 필요한 컴퓨팅 집약적인 작업에 적합:- Batch processing workloads
- Media transcoding
- High performance web servers
- High performance computing (HPC)
- Scientific modeling & machine learning
- Dedicate gaming servers
EC2 Instance Types - Memory Optimized
- Fast performance for workloads that process large data sets in memory
메모리의 대용량 데이터 세트를 처리하는 워크로드를 위한 빠른 성능 제공 - Use cases:
- High performance, relational/non-relational databases
- Distributed web scale cache stores
- In-memory databases optimized for BI (business intelligence)
- Applications performing real-time processing of big unstructured data
EC2 Instance Types - Storage Optimized
- Great for storage-intensive tasks that require high, sequential read and write access to large data sets on local storage
로컬 스토리지의 대용량 데이터 세트에 대한 높은 순차적 읽기 및 쓰기 액세스가 필요한 스토리지 집약적인 작업에 적합 - Use cases:
- High frequency online transaction processing (OLTP) systems
- Relational & NoSQL databases
- Cache for in-memory databases (for example, Redis)
- Data warehousing applications
- Distributed file systems
EC2 Instance Types: example
Introduction to Security Groups
- Security Groups are the fundamental of network security in AWS
보안 그룹은 AWS의 네트워크 보안의 기본 요소입니다 - They control how traffic is allowed into or out of our EC2 Instances.
- Security groups only contain allow rules
- Security groups rules can reference by IP or by security group
Security Groups Deeper Dive
- Security groups are acting as a "firewall" on EC2 instances
- They regulate:
- Access to Ports
- Authorised IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6
- Control of inbound network (from other to the instance)
- Control of outbound network (from the instance to other)
Security Groups Good to know
- Can be attached to multiple instances
- Locked down to a region VPC combination
영역 VPC 조합으로 잠금 설정 - Does live "outside" the EC2 - if traffic is blocked the EC2 instance won't see it
EC2의 "외부"에 거주하는지 여부 - 트래픽이 차단되면 EC2 인스턴스가 이를 볼 수 없음 - It's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access
SSH 액세스를 위해 하나의 보안 그룹을 별도로 유지하는 것이 좋습니다 - If your application is not accessible (time out), then it's security group issue
- If your application gives a "connection refused" error, then it's an applicaion error or it's not launched
- All inbound traffic is blocked by default
- All outbound traffic is authorised by default
Referencing security groups Diagram
Classic Ports to know
- 22 = SSH (Secure Shell) - log into a Linux instance
- 21 = FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - upload files into a file share
- 22 = SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) - upload files using SSH
- 80 = HTTP
- 443 = HTTPS
- 3389 = RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - log into a Winodows instance
SSH Summary Table
EC2 Instances Purchasing Options
- On-Demand Instances - short workload, predictable pricing, pay by second
- Reserved (1 & 3 years)
- Reserved Instances - long workloads
- Convertible Reserved Instances - long workloads with flexible instances
- Savings Plans ( 1 & 3 years) - commitment to an amount of usage, long workload
- Spot Instances - short workloads, cheap, can lose instances (less reliable)
- Dedicated Hosts - book an entire physical server, control instance placement
- Dedicated Instances - no other customers will share your hardware
- Capacity Reservations - reserve capacity in a specific AZ for any duration
EC2 On Demand
- Pay for what you use:
- Linux or Windows - billing per second, after the first minute
- All other operating sysyems - billing per hour
- Has the highest cost but no upfront payment
- No long-term commitment
- Recommended for short-term and un-interrupted workloads, where you can't predict how the application will behave
애플리케이션의 동작을 예측할 수 없는 단기적이고 중단되지 않는 워크로드에 권장
EC2 Reserved Instances
- Up to 72% discount compared to On-demand
- You reserve a specific instance attributes (Instance Type, Region, Tenancy, OS)
- Reservation Period - 1 Year (+discount) or 3 years ( +++discount)
- Payment Options - No Upfront (+), Partial Upfront (++), All Upfront (+++)
- Reserved Instance's Scope - Regional or Zonal (reserve capacity in an AZ)
- Recommended for steady-state usage applications (think database)
- You can buy and sell in the Reserved Instance Marketplace
- Convertible Reserved Instance
- can change the EC2 intance type, instance family, OS, scope and tenancy
- Up to 66% discount
EC2 Savings Plans
- Get a discount based on long-term usage (up to 72% - same as Rls)
- Commit to a certain type of usage ($ 10/hour for 1 or 3 years)
특정 유형의 사용(1년 또는 3년 동안 시간당 10달러)에 커밋 - Usage beyond EC2 Saving Plans is billed at the On-Demand price
EC2 절약 요금제를 초과한 사용량은 주문형 가격으로 청구됩니다
- Locked to a specific instance family & AWS region (e.g., M5 in us-east-l)
- Flexible across:
- Instance Size (e.g., m5.xlarge, m5.2xlarge)
- OS (e.g., Linux, Windows)
- Tenancy (Host, Dedicated, Default)
EC2 Spot Instances
- Can get a discount of up to 90% compared to On-demand
- Instances that you can "lose" at any point of time if your max price is less than the current spot price
최대 가격이 현재 현물 가격보다 낮은 경우 언제든지 "손실"할 수 있는 경우 - The MOST cost-efficient instances in AWS
- Useful for workloads that are resilient to failure
장애에 강한 워크로드에 유용
- Batch jobs
- Data analysis
- Image processing
- Any distributed workloads
- Workloads with a flexible start and time
- Not suitable for critical jobs or databases
중요한 작업 또는 데이터베이스에 적합하지 않음
EC2 Dedicated Hosts
- A physical server with EC2 instance capacity fully dedicated to your use
EC2 인스턴스 용량을 완벽하게 사용할 수 있는 물리적 서버 - Allows you address compliance requirements and use your existing server-bound software licenses (per-socket, per-core, pe-VM software licenses)
- Purchasing Options:
- On-demand - pay per second for active Dedicated Host
- Reserved - 1 or 3 years (No Upfront, Partial Upfront, All Upfront)
- The most expensive option
- Useful for software that have complicated licesing model (BYOL - Bring Your Own License)
복잡한 라이센스 모델(BYOL - Bride Your Own License)을 가진 소프트웨어에 유용합니다 - Or for companies that have strong regulatory or compliace needs
또는 강력한 규제 또는 규정 준수 요구가 있는 회사의 경우
EC2 Dedicated Instances
- Instances run on hardware that's dedicated to you
- May share hardware with other instances in same account
- No control over instance placement
(can move hardware after Stop / Start)
EC2 Capacity Reservations (EC2 용량 예약)
- Reserve On-Demand instances capacity in a specific AZ for any duration
- You always have access to EC2 capacity when you need it
- No time commitment (create/cancel anytime), no billing discounts
- Combine with Regional Reserved Instances and Savings Plans to benefit fron billing discounts
- You're charged at On-Demand rate whether you run instances or not
- Suitable for short-term, uninterrupted workloads that needs to be in a specific AZ(Availability Zones)
특정 AZ에 있어야 하는 단기간의 중단 없는 워크로드에 적합
Which purchasing option is right for me?
- On demand: coming and staying in resort whenever we like, we pay the full price
- Reserved: like planning ahead and if we plan to stay for a long time, we may get a good discount.
- Savings Plans: pay a certain amount per hour for certain period and stay in any room type
- Spot instances: the hotel allows people to bid for the emptu rooms and the highest bidder keeps the rooms. You can get kicked out at any time
- Dedicated Hosts: We book an entire building of the resort
- Capacity Reservations: you book a room for a period with full price even you don't stay in it
Amazon EC2 - Instance Storage
What's an EBS Volume?
- An EBS (Elastic Block Store)Volume is a network drive you can attach to your instances while they run
- It allows your instances to persist data, even after their termination
- They can only be mounted to one instance at a time (at the CCP level)
- They are bound to a specific availability zone
특정 가용성 영역에 속합니다
- Analogy:Think of them as a "network USB stick"
- Free tier:30GB of free EBS storage of type General Purpose (SSD) or Magnetic per month
EBS Volume
- It's network drive (i.e. not a physical drive)
- It uses the network to communicate the instance, which means there might be a bit of latency
네트워크를 사용하여 인스턴스를 통신합니다. 이는 약간의 지연 시간이 있을 수 있음을 의미합니다 - It can be detached fron an EC2 instance and attached to another one quickly
- It uses the network to communicate the instance, which means there might be a bit of latency
- It's locked to an Availability Zone (AZ)
- An EBS Volume in use-east-1 a cannot be attached to us-east-1 b
사용 중인 EBS 볼륨 - east-1 a는 us-east-1 b에 첨부할 수 없습니다 - To move a volume across, you first need to snapshot it
- An EBS Volume in use-east-1 a cannot be attached to us-east-1 b
- Have a provisioned capacity (size in GBs, and IOPS)
- You get billed for all the provisioned capacity
- You can increase the capacity of the drive over time
EBS - Delete on Termination attribute
- Controls the EBS behaviour when an EC2 instance terminates
- By default, the root EBS volume is deleted (attribute enabled)
- By default, any other attached EBS volume is not deleted (atrribute disabeld)
- This can be controlled by the AWS console / AWS CLI
- Use case:preserve root volume when instance is terminated
EBS Snapshot
- Make a backup (snapshot) of your EBS volume at a point in time
- Not necessary to detach volume to do snapshot, but recommended
- Can copy snapshots across AZ or Region
EBS Snapshots Features
- EBS Snapshot Archive
- Move a Snapshot to an "archive tier" that is 75% cheaper
- Takes within 24 to 72 hours for restoring the archive
- Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots
- Setup rules to retain deleted snapshots so you can recover them after an accidental deletion
실수로 삭제된 스냅샷을 복구할 수 있도록 삭제된 스냅샷을 보존하는 규칙 설정
보존(1일 ~ 1년) 지정 - Specify retention (from 1 day to 1 year)
- Setup rules to retain deleted snapshots so you can recover them after an accidental deletion
- Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR)
- Force full initialization of snapshot to have no latency on the first use ($$$)
AMI = Amazon Machine Image
- AMI are a customization of an EC2 instance
- You add your own software, configuration, operating system, monitoring...
- Faster boot / configuration time because all your software is pre-packaged
- AMI are built for a specific region (and can be copied across regions)
AMI는 특정 지역에 대해 구축되어 있으며 여러 지역에 걸쳐 복사할 수 있습니다 - You can launch EC2 instances from:
- A Pubilc AMI: AWS provided
- Your own AMI: you make and maintain them yourself
- An AWS Marketplace AMI: an AMI someone else made (and potentially sells)
AMI Process ( from an EC2 instacne)
- Start an EC2 instacne and customize. it
- Stop the instance (for data integrity)
- Build an AMI - this will also create EBS snapshots
- Launch instances from other AMIs
EC2 Instance Store
- EBS volumes are network drives with good but "limited" performance
- If you need a high-performance hardware disk, use EC2 Instance Store
- Better I/O performance
- EC2 Instance Store lose their storage if they're stopped (ephemeral)
- Good for buffer / cache / scratch data / temporary content
- Risk of data loss if hardware fails
- Backups and Replication are your responsibility
Local EC2 Instance Store
EBS Volume Types
- EBS Volumes come in 6 types
- gp2 / gp3 (SSD): General purpose SSD volume that balances price and performance for a wide variety of workloads
- io1 / io2 (SSD): Highest-performance SSD volume for mission-critical low-latency or high-throughput workloads
- st1 (HDD): Low cost HDD volume designed for frequently accessed, throughput-intensive workloads
- sc1 (HDD): Lowest cost HDD volume designed for less frequently accessed workloads
- EBS Volumes are characterized in Size | Throughput | IOPS (I/O Ops Per Sec)
- Only gp2/gp3 and io1/io2 can be used as boot volumes
EBS Volume Types Use cases General Purpose SSD
- Cost effective storage, low-latency
- System boot volumes, Virtual desktops, Development and test environments
- 1Gib - 16Tib
- gp3:
- Baseline of 3,000 IOPS and throughput of 125 MiB/s
- Can increase IOPS up to 16,000 and throughput up to 1000 Mib/s independently
- gp2:
- Small gp2 volumes can burst IOPS to 3,000
- Size of the volume and IOPS are linked, max IOPS is 16,000
- 3 IOPS per GB, means at 5,334 GB are at the max IOPS
EBS Volume Types Use cases Provisioned IOPS (PIOPS) SSD
- Critical business applications with sustained IOPS performance
- Or applications that need more than 16,000 IOPS
- Great for databases workloads (sensitive to storage perf an consistency)
- io1/io2 (4GiB - 16TiB):
- Max PIOPS: 64,000 for Nitro EC2 instances & 32,000 for other
- Can increase PIOPS independently from storage size
- io2 have more durability and more IOPS per GiB (at the same price as io 1)
- io2 Block Express (4GiB - 64TiB):
- Sub-millisecond latency
- Max PIOPS:256,000 with an IOPS:GIB ratio of 1,000:1
- Supports EBS Multi-attach
EBS Volume Types Use cases Hard Disk Drives (HDD)
- Cannot be a boot volume
- 125 GiB to 16TiB
- Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)
- Big Data, Data Warehouse, Log Processing
- Max throughput 500 MiB/s - max IOPS 500
- Cold HDD (sc1):
- For data that is infrequently accessed
- Scenarios where lowest const is important
- Max throughput 250 MiB/s - max IOPS 250
EBS - Volume Types Summary
EBS Multi-Attach - io1/io2 familysa
- Attach the same EBS volume to multiple EC2 instances in the same AZ
- Each instance has full read & write permissions to the high-performance volume
- Use case:
- Achieve higher application availability in clustered Linux applications(ex:Teradata)
- Applications must manage concurrent write operations
- Up to 16 EC2 Instances at a time
- Must use a file system that's cluster-aware (not XFS, EXT4, etc...)
EFS - Elastic File System
- Managed NFS (network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2
- EFS works with EC2 instances in multi-AZ
- Highly available, scalable, expensive (3x gp2), pay per use
EFS - Elastic File System
- Use cases: content management, web serving, data sharing, Wordpress
- Uses NFSv4.1 protocol
- Uses security group to control access to EFS
- Compatible with Linux based AMI (now Windows)
- Encryption at rest using KMS
- POSIX file sysyem (~Linux) that has a standard file API
- File sysyem scales automatically, pay-per-use, no capacity planning!
EFS - Performance & Storage Classes
- EFS Scale
- 1000s of concurrent NFS clients, 10GB + /s throughput
- Grow to Petabyte-scale network file system, automatically
- Performance Mode (set at EFS creation time)
- General Purpose (default) - latency-sensitive use cases (web server, CMS, etc...)
- Max I/O - higher latency, throughput, highly parallel (big data, media, processing)
- Throughput Mode
- Bursting - 1TB = 50MiB/s + burst of up to 100MiB/s
- Provisioned - set your throughput regardless of storage size, ex: 1GiB/s for 1TB storage
- Elastic - automatically scales throughput up or down based on your workloads
- Up to 3GiB/s for reads and 1GiB/s for writes
- Used for unpredicatable workloads
EFS - Storage Classes
- Storage Ties (lifecycle management feature - move file after N days)
- Standard:for frequently accessed files
- Infrequent access (EFS-IA): cost to retrieve files, lower price to store. Enable EFS-IA with a Lifecycle Policy
- Availability and durability
- Standard: Multi-AZ, great for prod
- One Zone: One AZ, great for dev, backup enabled by default, compatible with IA (EFS One Zone-IA)
- Over 90% in cost savings
EBS vs EFS - Elastic Block Storage
- EBS volumes...
- one instance (except multi-attach io1/io2)
- are locked at the Availiability Zone (AZ) lebel
- gp2: IO increase IO independently
- io1: can increase IO independently
- To migrate an EBS volume across AZ
- Take a snapshot
- Restore the snapshot to another AZ
- EBS backups use IO and you shouldn't run them while youre application is handling a lot of traffic
- Root EBs Volumes of instances get terminated by default if the EC2 instance gets terminated. (you can disable that)
EBS vs EFS - Elastic File
- Mounting 100s of instances across AZ
- EFS share website files (WordPress)
- Only for Linux Instances (POSIX)
- EFS has a higher price point than EBS
- Can leverage EFS-IA for cost savings
- Remember: EFS vs EBS vs Instance Store
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